The HNW Certification combines international best-practice and local market case studies from local markets in managing family wealth to equip advisors with the necessary knowledge and expertise.
The certification programme enables advisors to implement a systematic process for offering high-quality financial advice to high net worth individuals.
DD2 started running a mix of always on and tactical campaigns since early 2022 to drive tangible results that meet their brand objectives.
Considering the key target audience group and challenges we executed campaigns across multi-channels from socials, google search to programmatic to drive maximum leads followed by website traffic.
Utilising a blend of interest-based targeting and retargeting strategies, our most recent campaign in 2024 successfully drove over 150 leads within a 6-week timeframe.
Quality leads generated with professionals working in Finance & Investment segment
Create and establish online search presence and drive leads at the same time.
Drive maximum traffic to the HNW website followed by website conversions
Drive maximum traffic to the HNW website followed by website conversions
GDN, SEM & Programmatic contributed the highest traffic to the website with maximum website landings recorded on GA.
Niche audience targeting across LinkedIn that allowed to reach to Financial Planners, Investment Bankers, Finance Head category of audiences.
Improvement in the avg CPL across each campaign burst, with 150+ leads generated in 6 weeks campaign.
Higher CTR% across all media channels as compared to industry benchmark across education sector.